Month: May 2016



Their faces are wrung with anguish. Bloodied survivors of a terrorist attack stumble out of their Kenyan campus. German families grimly gather at a crash site in the French Alps. Nepalese parents dig through rubble, desperately calling the name of their lost child. As long as we live in a fallen world, humans will have moments when it seems we can’t go on.

Why Me?

Ruth was a foreigner. She was a widow. She was poor. In many parts of the world today she would be considered a nobody—someone whose future doesn’t hold any hope.

However, Ruth found favor in the eyes of a relative of her deceased husband, a rich man and the owner of the fields where she chose to ask for permission to glean grain. In response to his kindness, Ruth asked, “What have I done to deserve such kindness? . . . I am only a foreigner” (Ruth 2:10 nlt).

Boaz, the good man who showed Ruth such compassion, answered her truthfully. He…

May 21, 2016
I had a dream of myself entering an extremely gorgeous room, similar to England's Victorian classic style, such as that in the titanic ship movie where everything looks majestic. Perhaps more mesmerizing than that. The more I was at awe when I saw the staircase and climbed up with a "tour guide". I didn't see the face but there was someone taking me to our goal. Then we reached my room and the person with me made a deep sigh and smiled as if saying "Atlast we are here". And i also made my deep sigh signalling to mean "Atlast I can rest now and enjoy real peace." When I woke up and thought of the dream, I had sudden goosebumps . Maybe God showed me my room in heaven. The same day in the afternoon, i opened "our daily bread" May 21 devotion of the day and it teaches about God's dwelling place. It just amazes me how God communicates with us in a special way and makes us feel everything is prepared in this life after.


Howling winds, booming thunderclaps, and lightning flashes tend to make me nervous, even when I’m sheltered in a safe, dry place. Gentle rain showers I can handle. It’s the clamor and din of an intense storm that get me. So Jesus could well have been speaking to me when He asked His disciples, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (Mark 4:40).

Paddling Home

I like Reepicheep, C. S. Lewis’ tough little talking mouse in the Chronicles of Narnia series. Determined to reach the “utter East” and join the great lion Aslan [symbolic of Christ], Reepicheep declares his resolve: “While I may, I sail East in Dawn Treader. When she fails me, I row East in my coracle [small boat]. When that sinks, I shall paddle East with my four paws. Then, when I can swim no longer, if I have not yet reached Aslan’s Country, there shall I sink with my nose to the sunrise.”

Paul put it another way: “I press on toward the…

The Dawning: Christianity in the Roman Empire, Part III

On this Day of Discovery, how could anyone living in the first century embrace the belief that there was a power and a kingdom greater than Rome? Join Dr. Joseph Stowell as he continues his journey through the epic story of “The Dawning: Christianity in the Roman Empire.” Other parts of the series: The Dawning, […]

Voice of Reason

Except for technological advances, the first century AD wasn’t much different than the 21st. The human condition can be depressingly consistent: injustice, exploitation, oppression, violence.

God’s Dwelling Place

James Oglethorpe (1696–1785) was a British general and member of Parliament who had a vision for a great city. Charged with settling the state of Georgia in North America, he planned the city of Savannah according to that vision. He designed a series of squares, each having a green space and designated areas for churches and shops, with the rest reserved for housing. The visionary thinking of Oglethorpe is seen today in a beautiful, well-organized city that is considered a jewel of the American South.

            In Revelation 21, John received a vision of a different city—the New Jerusalem. What he…

Malaysia Christian Book Fair 2016

Learn More

Visit our booth during the 12th Asia Christian Book Fair held at Thy Executive Hotel from 28-30/5 from 12pm-10:30pm. Click [here] to find out more.


Enslaved by a prison of performance

Imagine being known for the worst thing you’ve done. That’s what happens to those who’ve been in prison. And even after they’ve been released, they’re constantly reminded by society of what they’ve done. In a sense, they still feel imprisoned. Today on “Discover the Word,” we, along with guest Karen Swanson, talk about how we all can be enslaved by a prison of performance. Listen today to “Discover the Word”!

Source of Truth

Often, when I search for something on the Internet, I’m not sure I can trust the information I find. If I type a topic into a well-known search engine, I may end up on a website that features unverified information. Disclaimers warn that experts haven’t reviewed the content and so there’s no way to guarantee that it’s accurate, complete, or unbiased. No matter how authentic the material might seem, I know it’s unwise to trust it.

A love that restores

Isaiah chapter 61 promises that the Lord will provide comfort for those who mourn and restore broken lives with “a crown of beauty instead of ashes.” Both Beckie and Barbara Jean’s hearts had been deeply wounded by abuse and shame. Discover how their lives were transformed through Jesus Christ and how they found healing and […]

Fulfill Your Commission!

Find out more

If your business or profession gives you the opportunity to meet and interact with many people, we would like to invite you to join thousands of believers from around the world in reaching out to your community with God’s Word.


Chili Peppers

“My mother gave us chili peppers before we went to bed,” said Samuel, recalling his difficult childhood in sub-Saharan Africa. “We drank water to cool our mouths, and then we would feel full.” He added, “It did not work well.” 

Government upheaval had forced Samuel’s father to flee for his life, leaving their mother as the family’s sole provider. Then his brother contracted sickle cell anemia, and they couldn’t afford medical care. Their mother took them to church, but it didn’t mean much to Sam. How could God allow our family to suffer like this? he wondered.

Then one day a man…

It’s not where you are, but who you are

It’s possible to be behind bars, but still experience freedom. And it’s also possible to not be an inmate at a prison, yet still be enslaved by sin. It’s not where you are but who you are. Today on “Discover the Word,” the group, and special guest Karen Swanson, talks about how pride can hold us in a prison of our own making while humility can set us free. Join the group today on “Discover the Word”!

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